El jueves Dave marinó unas costillas para comer el viernes por la noche. Luego Mike completó con otras dos costillas y como ven tenemos comida para un regimiento y eramos sólo tres esa noche... sip hemos comido de las costillas por cuatro días consecutivos y aún están para chuparse los dedos y no nos cansamos... (Dave marinated a baby back rib rack on Thursday night to eat on Friday night, then our friend Mike showed up with two more racks on Friday and as you can see there was food for a legion, and there was only three of us... yeah 4 days after we are still eating them and they are still very good and amazingly we are not tired of eating them... go figure.)
La verdad es que se le da muy bien lo de las carnes a la parrilla... muy bien! (He is really good at grilling meats, really good!)
Los que no cocinamos teníamos que entretenernos en algo... (Those who were not cooking had to do something to kill some time.)
Mike complementó las costillas con unas habichuelas (abas), ensalada de patatas, ensalada de pasta y ensalada de col, Dave hizo unos "hush puppies" (frituras de harina de maíz) y yo adorné la mesa con una sonrisa mientras bebía mi cerveza... Mike completed the dish with some beans, potato salad, pasta salad, coleslaw salad and Dave made some hush puppies and I just smile while drinking my beer...)
Luego de una cena maratónica jugamos escoba y tomamos nuestros tragos para reposar la cena. Mike es un fan del juego desde que le enseñamos hace un mes atrás y para mi sorpresa aún no podido ganar una partida... humm! Dave logró hacer que Mike revelara su técnica al final de la partida, en resumen una noche de cena deliciosas y una partida interesante y un tanto intensa. (After a very heavy dinner we played some "escoba", a Spanish game with the Spanish cards along with after dinner drinks. Mike is a fan of the game since we introduced it about a month ago, and to my surprise I have not been able to win a game since then... hummm!. Dave did manage to "get" Mike to reveal his technique at the end of the game. All in all it was a great night with delicious food and very interesting and intense game of "escoba".)
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